Join us on April 1st for A Night in Solidarity: Art and Conversations, a fundraiser to benefit Jafra Foundation for Relief and Development, an organization working in Syria. We will be in the lobby of the Hooker-Dunham Theater and Gallery (139 Main Street Brattleboro, VT) from 5:30 to 8:30. Please stop in at anytime during Gallery Walk for food, art and conversations.
Jafra Foundation works in Syria to ease human suffering in cases of emergency, crisis and disaster, striving to improve living conditions by involving young people in the relief and development process.
Some of Jafra’s ongoing projects include:
distribution of food and non-food items (NFIs) to families in need, either displaced or residing in areas that are besieged or considered “Hard-to-Reach”
psycho-social support and provision of alternative education programs to those children affected by the conflict
waste management campaigns and water trucking – providing thousands of besieged residents with much needed potable water resources;
small scale agriculture